The effect of using Kettle bell exercises on the level of skill performance among judo players

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة اللمنيا

2 كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة المنيا


Background: The researchers aimed to design a training program using killer exercises and to know its effect on the level of skill performance among judo players. The experimental approach was used using pre- and post-measurements for the experimental and control groups due to its suitability to the nature of the study. The current research population included judo players and those enrolled in the wrestling and individual sports specialization at the College of Physical Education. For the academic year 2022/2023 in the fourth year, registered with the Egyptian Judo Federation, and their number is (28) players. The research sample was chosen intentionally and numbered (20) players, and they were divided into two equal and equal groups, the strength of each group being (10) players. The exploratory sample: They numbered (8) players from the research community and from outside the research sample. The most important results were that the KETTLE BELL training contributed to the development of skill tests (Murti syunagi skill (throwing with the arms) - Ojoshi skill (throwing with the waist) - skill Sumo jaishi (back throw) among members of the experimental group, with improvement rates ranging between (61.70%: 71.74%).

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