Developing Some Special Physical Abilities Using a Set of Tactical Sentences to Overcome Numerical Deficiency and Excess Situations and Negative Play in Attack in Handball

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 كلية التربية الرياضية جامعه المنيا

2 تربية رياضية - جامعة المنيا

3 كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة المنيا


introduction and Research ProblemAn

The sports field, particularly handball, has witnessed tremendous development recently, attributed to scientific advancements and significant progress in various life sciences, especially sports training science. These advancements can be utilized to benefit the sports field, contributing to players' superiority and achievements. Special physical abilities are crucial factors in achieving skillful performance and winning in handball. Numerous references and previous studies indicate that the skill level of players largely depends on the coach's attention to their physical abilities and proper development, which aids in achieving high levels of performance.

Research Aim:

This research aims to develop some special physical abilities using a set of tactical sentences to overcome numerical deficiency and excess situations and negative play in handball attack.

Research Sample:

Researchers selected the sample intentionally, comprising 30 players divided equally into two groups: an experimental group of 15 players (35.71%) and a control group of 15 players (35.71%). An additional exploratory sample of 10 players (23.81%) was selected from the research population but outside the main sample. Two players were excluded due to irregular training.

- Second: Recommendations:

In light of the research results, the researchers recommend the following:

1. It is important to use training for specific tactical situations in light of the new handball rules to improve the physical and skill levels of handball players.

2. Handball coaches should stay updated with new rules and create training programs that align with the tactical situations corresponding to these updates.

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