An analytical study of the reality of digital administrative empowerment Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 کلية التربية الرياضية جامعة المنيا

2 أستاذ مساعد بقسم الإدارة الرياضية بكلية التربية الرياضية . جامعة المنيا .

3 أخصائى رياضى بکلية الحاسبات والمعلومات


The research aims to study the reality of digital administrative empowerment in the Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports. The researchers used the descriptive approach (survey method) with its steps and procedures in order to suit it to achieve the objectives of the research. The research sample represented a total of (770) individuals from the Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports. The researchers used to collect data from an identification questionnaire. On the reality of digital administrative empowerment in the Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports, the researchers concluded that the percentage of the axis of the reality of digital administrative empowerment methods in the Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports (74.35%), and the percentage of the axis of administrative policies followed in the process of digital administrative empowerment in the Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports (72.84%), and The percentage of the reality of the requirements for implementing digital administrative empowerment in the Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports was (65.10%), and the percentage of the reality of the obstacles to implementing digital administrative empowerment in the Ministry and Directorates of Youth and Sports was (80.02%).

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